Monday, July 28, 2008

MDG Doll Heads

Hey hey hey... apparently Monday again. Well well what was eventful last week? Me and ma gurls Hanis n Fiqa did a hairshow for Wella again...and this time my hair (and me) have been changed from coconut husk head to to a hot and sassy red head! Im lovin the new hair! We had a ball of a time the three of us. We couldn't just sit still. I couldn't stop bugging the girls as usual and vice versa... just that Fiqa is not so good (sucks) at bugging but is a delight to be bugged! eheh. Me and Hanis had a ball of a time!
So the guys who did our hair were 2 Japanese guys and 1 Taiwanese guy. One of the 2 Japanese guys couldn't speak English whereas the other sounded like he been in US for quite a bit. So well it was a long two days but here are some things that made it memorable:

1. I initially tried on something very elegant and sexy... but then those Japanese men decided that i should wear this fully lace black dress... with (a lame excuse for) a shorts and a tiny tube inside. I wasn't thrilled but ... i guess it wasn't that bad. So they decided I was thier lace girl and they used something called hair lace on me.... yeap its real human hair made into lace, wrapped around and pinned ove my face! I tell u it smelled like oil! no not coconut oil the natural oils secreted from human head! And I have no idea how many diff heads did those hair come from! Yaks!

2. Due to the English language barrier we were served with a few unintended jokes ....

scene 1: Mr. Taiwan n Mr. Jap who no speaka english are doing my hair.

Mr. Taiwan,"Is this your helmet?"

Jay "What?"

Mr. Taiwan, putting something on the table " this your helmet?"

Jay I had been unaware that my cap hat fallen down!"That's called a cap darling"

Mr. Taiwan "oh its not helmet?"

Jay "No, no. Helmet can protect your head. Like for motorbike or bicycle you know?"

~we all laugh happily ever after~

scene 2: Mr. Jap who no speaka English is washing Hanis' hair after the show. He had been talking about a technique of cutting hair called swish blade or switch blade or something and one of the other models had over heard it.

Model "hey did you create the swish blade technique?"

Mr. Jap "Thank you"

Well the poor guy thought that the model told him he was great or something like that! But its ok ...we found a translator and all had a good laugh after! Kawaiiii! yeah that is one of the two Jap words I know. The other is Baka ~_~

3. Hanis' make up is called the Americana... sounds like a kind or coffee to me.Here is us clownin around. In case you are wondering they didn't bleach her hair. Those were just stuck onto her head.

Ok next I head on down to Ara Damansara to meet Alison... cos before the show we had gone for a casting together with Fiqa for Honda. The models had been shortlisted but the clients wanted to see us first, and the lady who was booking me told me that I could bring my friends who would like to try out as well. So I did la. But monkey Hanis didn't bother reading her sms! Aaaaanyway When I went for the audition I had left my shades so Aly picked em up for me. So the plan was to meet after Wella show.

Me n fiqa rush down so that we don't get caught in the jam. It was 5 but we somehow managed to beat it. Before meeting Aly we stop at the Studio / Office where all the MDG stuff went on. I don't know what I was expecting but the people seemed indifferent to us now....anywhose ...after having a drink at the mamak yang Sedap (cos its name is Sedap) I get invited to Aly's house. Fiqa has to go home so she does... At Aly's I feel most welcomed...her mom is a lovely lady. I carry her lil nephew for awhile and constantly sniff him! I love the smell of babies! He was just the sweetest thing but I was chicken that I may carry him wrongly. Then there was her Lil niece who is excited too see me cos she is my ardent supporter...but she is very shy! She is a smart lil girl I can see by the way she talks and carries herself.

I also met 2 of her the baby of the house and the other the mother of two of the babies i just mentioned and her better half. Last but not least was her Dalmatian called Cash $
Oh and did I mention I was treated to a homemade dinner as well? swell!That's me and the Victors! Dont you think I fit in so well? Hrm...if you haven't noticed I'm wearing my Mrs. Timberlake t-shirt in hope that Justin might actually google it up and find me...eheh


Hanis Zalikha said...

eh pity that Hanis lah never read her smses. what else? hmm haha I love reading this blog omg :D

Jaishana Logan said...

Hanis Zalikha : yeala yeala...dia mengader ngader. I need a camera...if not im gona keep stealin pics from ppl eheh.